I especially love all things Naptime Diaries::: the person, the blog, the shop! If you've been in my house lately, you'll see that my house looks like a Naptime Diaries display studio. I am especially excited because I found white frames with mats for less than $4 recently at Michaels! My mom always had lots of scripture all over her home. As a kid, I'm sure I didn't appreciate it enough. But, now I can't get enough...
So, TODAY, is the day! May 11th! So, let's shop!
And, since tomorrow is the last day for the Give-a-way entries, anyone who purchases a print through her shop will also be entered {once} in our Give-a-way!
Here are some of my personal favorites & some that are in my home! 2 Cor 12:9 came in the mail from Jessi as a gift. I have a feeling a little birdy, aka her sister, Katie Ruby, let her in on the fact that we felt/feel very overwhelmed with the adoption. This verse has been my anchor for the last six months! Speaking of anchors, the next few are some of my other home favorites!
This is still on my wish list! Chevron w/ the green & a pink China!I can't decide on a verse, so I'm thinking solid colors.
These are also some newer prints on my wish list!
Also, Jessi and her blogging friends are hosting an Influence conference in Indy in October. So, to all my blogging friends and my midwestern friends, check this out! So bummed that Jessi didn't do this while she was still in South Carolina! And so tempting to hop a plane to Indy.
I encourage each of you to follow along with Jessi's blog and shop. She and Nick love Jesus something fierce and are constantly pouring out that love. They build community everywhere they go as naturally as they blink their eyes!
Thank you, Jessi!
Shop here!
Just shared on FB Jessica! LOVE these!!!!!