Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Give-a-Way Adoption Fundraiser: Arbonne, American Girl Doll & Jesus Story Book Bible DVD/Curriculum

What We are Giving Away:
              An American Girl Doll!* {$105 for doll or accessories}
              Jesus Storybook Bible & DVD Curriculum {on Amazon for $80}|
              Sandra Connell's Arbonne $150 Gift Certificate
Goal:Raise $2500 for the last part of our dossier submission fee and orphanage fees

When: Enter April 12th through May12th if we raise $2500
 {Drawing announced Sunday night: May 13th if we reach our goal. If not, we'll keep  going til we hit $2500. If we hit it before, we'll keep going til May 12. We'll be tracking updates w/ the Top Thermometer on the right}

How to Enter:          
Enter by leaving us comment on this post or our facebook page and tell  us what you hope to win! Donate: Help us reach our goal! For every amount you donate or help recruit donations for, you will be given more opportunities to win!

Donate and Comment!
Every comment and donation will automatically be given an opportunity to win. 

Every $10 donation will be given an extra opportunity to win
Every $25 donation {or increments of} will be given 3 opportunities to win
You can earn more opportunities to win by being a Social Media Partner, check out details below 
You may donate and collect as many comments as you would like
Use our paypal donation option to the right or our donate page for details. Snail Mail must be received by May 7.

All of our Social Media Opps are Over:::

Social Media Partnerships...more opportunities to win! 
If you want lots of opportunities to win the give-a-way, check out our extra social media options! 

Social Media Recruiters Partnership
Recruiters earn 10 Extra Opportunities for every personal $100 you can verify that you raise toward our fund.
*Track this on your  own & message/email me by May 10th a complete details on how and from whom you raised the $100 
(Minimum donation: $0)

Blog Partners:
Earn 10 Extra Opportunities

*Blog, Tweet and/or Facebook: Blog about this contest. Then share the link on facebook and/or twitter at least 1 time during the contest.
*Please write your own post, link back to our blog & donation page if possible
*Leave me a comment w/ your blog link

Social Media Tweet &/or Facebook Ongoing:

Tweet and Post on Facebook for the next 4 weeks {8 post min}
Earn 10 Extra Opportunities

*Commit to tweet and or post on your facebook account 8 times during the next 4 weeks
*Posts must be spread out to be atleast 1 time per week during the 4 weeks of the contest or whenever you join us. Or prorated if you join us later, 2 per week for 3 weeks, etc.
*Comment to let me know the last week that you did this

Social Media Both: Blog & Social Media
*Combine both options above Blog and Social Media Ongoing Tweet/Facebook
*Earn 25 extra opportunities instead of 20

** Please note the Retweet/Share's of Jessica's tweets/posts are appreciated; but will not be counted as your full posts. At least 50% of your posts must be yours. 

 ** If you'd like to put my button on your blog as a sponsor for a month, let me know and we'll come up w/ a fair amount of comment opprotunities based on your monthly audience, etc.

All the boring stuff!
* Disclaimer and Lots of Stuff to Make Sure I Cover:
This is NOT a R-A-F-F-L-E. This is a give-a-way. We will give-a-way some prizes when we raise our funds! If you wonder why I'm being a bit vague on how we are choosing & how you can exactly win, please feel free to email me at jess dot mariecarpenter at gmail dot com. I really want to be sure my language does not resemble a R-A-F-F-L-E.
We will draw the winners in order and give them priority of picking their prizes from donations and blog comments.

American Girl Doll is not affiliated with this contest. They have not made a donation. Travis and I are purchasing this with our funds that we are setting aside for fundraising and are giving away this doll(s). All comments are considered in our give-a-way. We are not selling anything. We reserve the right to refund donations if we do not make enough to cover the cost of the doll. We reserve the right to add rules or regulations if necessary to this process. We reserve the right to refuse donations or partnerships from anyone that we do not shares our values for this contest.  Your choice of doll will include the doll & book &shipping (only w/in the US per AG website). Again, snail mail is accepted; but must be received by May 7th to count.

** We have been giving a second copy of Jesus Storybook Bible
***The amazing Sandra Connell is donating $150 from Arbonne to us!

We will spend May 12 verifying all of our tickets/collections.
Please contact me at jess dot mariecarpenter  at for all inquiries about this contest.


  1. Supporting you guys!!!! Will be making a donation through paypal and also posted on my blog:
    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  2. Praying for you! If I win, we would like the American doll! But we have already won by being apart of your dream! Much love and support, Tanya Cross and family

  3. Thank you so very much, Tanya! Thank you so much, Caren! love the blog {as always} and dream of being a Bento-mom one day!

  4. Praying for you and your family! I just blogged about my fundraiser and this giveaway:

  5. April 22: Update, I just added 270 that came in on Friday.
    So, we are 1300!
    I know most of you are not commenting, but if you blogged or made a donation to this, I've got y'all counted! We are now more than half way to our goal!

  6. Updated too early today. 1764 is our new update as of 8 pm on 4/22

  7. Thanks for sharing your journey with us! Can't wait to watch your story unfold. I haven't blogged in about a year, but I will post a link on fb! :)

  8. Sent in a donation (from Cat). So excited for you and look forward to keeping up with the progress!

  9. Also, I can't give you a direct link yet, but I have a post about you scheduled to go up friday at Prayers for you!

  10. would love to i just mail you a check? i would love to be entered for american girl and storybook bible :)

  11. Yes. Either mail or use my donate button to the right for paypal! My address is on the Donate or Shop tAb! Thanks Jennie!

  12. This blog site is very good!
