Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One Thing I Hope You Know

There is one thing that I hope you know...

As you listen to our stories. As you help us raise funds. As you pray for our daughter. As you walk your own journey of adoption. As you fill an empty nest and heart. Or as you stack bunk beds in overstuffed bedrooms.

Our adoption journey is either just a story that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy and excited over one incredible child's life and one family's heart and call. Or it is more.

And we believe it is more. It's not just our story. Not because of a single thing that we have done. Please hear me. We, the Carpenters, Jessica and Travis, have not done a single thing.

This story is more only because of everything He has done.

This is the one thing I hope you know...
Deep into the chamber of your heart. Into the crevices of your soul. 

Into the really hard places. Into the swelling joyful moments. 

I hope you know that our story and your story are not as they seem. There is an underlying earth shaking core foundation to these stories. To the narrative of life. You see, our stories, are simply a part of  The Story, God's narrative, the ultimate story of Redemption and Glory through His adoption of us in a broken world. You and Me.

Yesterday Max Lucado said it this way on the radio. Get every single word of this.

Because I hope you'll know this, and hold onto this truth with either white knuckles or arms thrown high..

The one thing I hope you know is who you are...

"You’ve been claimed… adopted as God’s very own child!

Romans 8:29 says “For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters.”

Abandon you to a fatherless world?  No way.  Before you knew you needed adopting, he’d already filed the papers and selected the wallpaper for your room. Those who have access to God’s family Bible can read your name.  He wrote it there.  He covered the adoption fees.  We don’t finance our adoption, but we do accept it.  And the moment we accept his offer, we go from orphans to heirs!

Romans 8:17 says “we’re heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.”  No stepchildren or grandchildren.  

You and Christ share the same will.  What he inherits, you inherit.

You are headed home!"


That is the one thing I hope you really know. 

If this sparked something in you, please let us know and please jump into the Together for Adoption community for a lot more wonderful explanation of the doctrine of Adoption. And don't get all weirded out that I said "doctrine". But, this September Travis and I will be joining the T4A team with our Journey Together team for the national conference: "I am living in the Story!" . The T4A team & message will ransack, then re-energize and refresh your soul as you walk through the narrative of life and into suffering, joy and adoption.

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