I've been thinking about how much I love my newsfeed on Twitter and Facebook.
Not just because it keeps me up to date with my friends and their kids and important life events.
I believe in my News Feed there is sort of another world. This is why people say that online worlds can be dangerous for some. But, for me, it is because it connects me with the work that God is doing all over the world.
I believe intentionally fill our feed is important.
In my facebook newsfeed world, I get to pray with and share joy with a few dozen adopting families. We get to be excited about Travel Approval (TA) and I-800A submissions, etc.I get updates on ministries in the Middle East, in Asia and in Africa. I get to see recommendations for books and blog posts.
Yes, I love the social banter. It's in my DNA and my personality and my strengths and any other personality analyzing strength type test you ask me to take. I know it's more natural to me than others; but I also think it has some benefits for everyone. Even if you don't speed read and filter things from mundane to important at lightning speed, you can still scan a newsfeed for imporant details rather quickly.
Really, it can be a great connection to The Church. The big church. THE Church. Not just my or your church. It is so easy to stay in our little worlds and our church ministry. It is easy to forget that God's work happens all over the world. A few months ago, our senior pastor asked us to pray through the phone book for the area churches. Often our pastors are meeting with other pastors in our community. We may not be pastors or have a platform to connect that way; but through facebook and twitter, we can build our connection to The Church. We can stay in touch and be involved with the "saints doing the work of the ministry". Eph 4:12
I don't know how you fill your feed; but over the next few days, I'm going to post about some examples of how to intentionally Fill Your Feed and be intentional with your social media. I'll be using examples from my own world, so yes, a lot of adoption or orphan care ministries. But, if God has called you to an area of service and you are still trying to figure out what that means, I encourage you to seek out some time online to intentionally fill your feed with news and minsitries doing the same thing you are called to.
I hope you'll join me in some challenges to Fill Your Feed in the next few days.